H5P Content on Tutor LMS

About Course
In this Tutor LMS course, we added H5P Content to show, how xAPI tracking works with H5P’s interactive content. There are Tutor LMS lessons and quizzes with added H5P content.
GrassBlade xAPI Companion tracks the user activities on H5P content and send this information to GrassBlade LRS. It also completes the lesson/quiz and pass the quiz score to LMS reports when user completes the added content.
You can see all the xAPI tracking data in GrassBlade LRS, log in details are given below:
https://test.gblrs.com/ Email: demo@nextsoftwaresolutions.comPlease login.
Password: demo
Course Content
H5P Contents
H5P Content Tutor Lesson
H5P Content on Tutor Quiz