Tutor LMS Native Course

About Course
This course is completely developed within Tutor LMS to help you to understand how native Tutor LMS courses interact with GrassBlade xAPI Companion. It tracks all the user activity happening in the course and send the data to GrassBlade LRS.
While you’re are taking this course, we’re sending xAPI data to GrassBlade LRS. Want to see how it looks like in LRS? Log on to demo GrassBlade LRS.
LRS Login:
https://test.gblrs.com/ Email: demo@nextsoftwaresolutions.com
Password: demo
In the LRS, you can see the following verb statements:
- Enrolled
- Attempted and Completed (for lessons and courses)
- Passed and Failed (for quizzes)
Course Content
Demo Topic
Demo Lesson
Demo Quiz
Student Ratings & Reviews